Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Beat Sheets: The Untold Story

Still working on my spec script for my writing for TV class (comedy).  Our Prof has us on a strict formatting regiment.  He wants us to understand the beat sheet first, and then we can go onto scripting.  He was not pleased with the length of some of our beat sheets.  Mine was two pages.   I admit, if I used courier new it would have been 2 ½, but I thought times was good.  Also I didn’t know how much info I was supposed to add.  The notes I took in class were not that heavy.  We shall see on Thursday when he gives them back and we have a grade of "A."  

As a class, we are coming up with a LOT of funny ideas.  I’ve noticed that everyone is at a different level in the class, as evidenced by our beat sheets completion.  Someone used like gray color on the page, or his or her printer is weaker than Superman on a green Kryptonite diet.   Some of us didn’t use anything like the template in Crafty TV Writing.  One person was pitch perfect, if I may use the pun.  The Prof loved her work.   I have a lot to catch up with if he pans my beat sheet. 

I suppose the real question is if my script is really funny.    

On A Regular Basis

I miss blogging on the regular, so I’ve got to get off my duff and get it together.  If it’s just five sentences, well then, that’s what I need to do.  I can do twenty posts a month, can’t I?   It’s all about making myself work a little harder, and pushing myself to keep up the pace.   ‘Sides, I need to write more so that I can get the juices flowing. 

Busy, Busy, Busy

Classes have kept me busy.  I like busy.  Sometimes I feel I can’t manage it all, but I pull through.   A lot of it has to do with determination and knowing I must get things done.   My goal for the rest of my graduate career is to make sure I keep up with my deadlines, so that I don’t fall flat on my face.  It’s one thing to come close to the line, it’s a completely different act to crash and burn.   Thank God I did have the time and energy to keep up my resolve. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Weekend Meals

It's surf and turf time, cause I want some steak and shrimp.  I will make some mixed veggies on the side, and I want a baked potato with all the fixings (sauteed onions, mushrooms, and bell peppers).  May use rum to sautee the veggies.  I love it like that.   Maybe I should have desert with that too.  A slice of cake or pie is the question. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Contemporary Mixed CD

Trying to put together a hot mix of songs.   Roughly 10-16 tracks for traveling.  I’ve fallen in love with “Yesterday” from Leona Lewis.   One down.   LOL   I have to admit I would have never have given the song a chance if I didn’t use Pandora radio.  I’ve heard so many songs and artists that are the bomb.   Let’s see, I discovered Utada, Ayumi Hamasaki, Fergie, Katy Perry, etc.  I found them all on iTunes also.  Some of the Ayumi CD’s I may have to purchase as imports (expensive), since the single I want (“Teddy Bear”) is not on the site.  Darn it. 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Drink and Reads of Choice

I went to work, tried the caramel frap from Starbucks, and it was a blast!   I want more.   Yes Starbucks is like crack sometimes, and I need to practice moderation.   That shit was so good though.   ;)   I won't have to wait long.  Tomorrow I have a busy day and will crave my boost soon!   What?  there are worse things to be hung up on.   I can quit at any time.  

Reading a lot of Alan Moore comics of late.  Re-read Watchmen, and love it.  I think I'm in a different place than I was when it first came out.  I loved some Silver age goodness with a passion, and refused to let go.   I'm over that now.  LMAO!  Mind you, I want my variety.  

Reading Moore's Wildcats, and the collection of DC stories Moore wrote.   I want to read Tom Strong next.  For the sake of discussion Top 10 is my favorite Alan Morre series.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Adventures in Cinema Studies

In effort to keep prgress going in my Cinema Studies classes, I searched for classes, as registration is soon.   Lo' there are no classes for me.  I email my advisor and the dept head.  There's a wait and see action as the classes have the wrong times.   I've been assured that the the times for the classes will be to my liking soon, so I hope to have some classes I can get.   Yaay for small victories.    

In Perfect Pitch

Today was the day I had to present my three pitches in class for comedy shows.  I had my choice of three shows, AND I was allowed to either write for all three or two of one show with one of the other two.  You always start with your strongest pitch.  You NEVER apologize for your writing.  Why start with failure when you know you have a winner in your hands.    Needless to say I wrote a story, loved it, and had a couple of days to think it over AND found another element to add, revised it last night.  Presented it today.  My Prof was feeling the pitch.  I was GREAT!   Yeah, I'm ambitious.  We all knew that. 

Reaction was strong to the first pitch.  The second was meh, and the third got a mixed reaction for its quirky, esoteric aspects, but still acceptable.  The first got the best reaction, so I WILL be developing it.  I would love to develop this pitch to a full script.    I feel positive about this adventure.