Everybody remember BC powder? Headache relief. Tastes awful! They used to have, back in the day, a jingle that said "Tell your headache to take BC."
I was thinking, if one could you could tell your headache something, wouldn't you tell it to get the hell on outta your head and not to f**k with some god****** powder?
LOL true
When I have a headache that won't go away, I will slug a couple of BC powders with a pepsi and call it a day. Hits the system faster than anything else out there. Now I noticed they are advertising a pain reliever with holes in it so the medicine can release faster...not faster than BC though. There is another powder out there too but I can't think of the name of it.
I have always hated that bitter taste BC had. Chasing it down with Pepsi doesn't sound so bad. Thanks for the tip.
I myself have never used BC powders, by the time I moved to the Midwest I had already discovered ibuprofen at a Carlsbad CA Shell gas station when I was moving back east.
A year later I cut my finger open whilst shopping for a light fixture at a hardware store...and got stitches and prescription naproxen sodium.
Since then I have pretty much stuck to ibuprofen...
ibuprofen works extremely well. Too bad it does nothing for alloergies. LOL
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