Saturday, October 04, 2008

E is for Easy Money

Went to Starbucks for a java chip frappichino. On my way back from getting my chocolate goodness, this dude asks me if I have a dollar. For the record, it is not cool to ask me if I have a dollar. If I had it, I would spend it on myself. Also it doesn't help that he asked the Starbucks attendant inside the building to exchange is four quarters for a bill.

Needless to say, I told him no, and kept it moving. Were I to have a dollar for all who asked, I would have the wealth of Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Donald Trump combined. I would be able to spare a brother some change, but still, if charity and hustle is all you can do, then a brother's going to need a J-O-B.

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