Thursday, September 11, 2008


Have you ever loved yourself enough to make the changes necessary to be successful in your life?   Looked yourself in the mirror and know if you needed to make changes, you simply went about them?  You didn't fuss or complain, you knew what had to be done and took the steps.  I mean get into the trenches and make the hard  decisions for better or worse.   Not out of fear, you see, but out of unconditional love for yourself, and for your own well-being.   Ever think of yourself as more than who you are now,  and you desire to breakthrough  your constraints? 


Anonymous said...

It's a little creepy that you wrote this today. I decided this morning to take the bull by the horns when it comes to job hunting, and I thought maybe trying for a copyeditor's position would be good for my writing career. That would mean studying like a crazy person on my own time, especially since I'm not familliar with Chicago style, but I'm strangely okay with this. Time for an overhaul in Brenda's world.

Unknown said...

I fell you. I have a great need need to break away from where I am, and to reach a new plateau. Best wishes with the job hunting. I know you can get it done.