Showing posts with label Thesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thesis. Show all posts

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Decisions, Decisions.

Trying to make this day a productive one. I'm writing for thesis, SDCS, and TLC.  I've run into a wall where I felt my strength was going down. I can't have that.  It makes me feel like I'm not participating in my own success.  It's time to take on the things that I need to get done without fear.  That means making tougher decisions.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Bust That Thing

For those not in the know, I am an artist.  I'm skilled in drawing, painting, photography, printing, and writing.  I'll need to dust off my drawing skills because I feel they are a part of me with equal standing to my writing.  This can't come soon, although I wanted to work on my skills during the weekends. Thesis Fridays rules my weekends as does screenwriting.  This does not mean I won't get back to the basics someday.  My goals must have order.

The second part of this post is about what kind of artist am I? been thinking of how to get outside the box.  Ever notice how some marginal talent percolates while some legit talents simply simmer in the eye of public.  I sometimes wonder what it would be like if someone suddenly became a little pretentious, audacious, and a little naughty then busted the stuff outta the box.  Just wondering.  Creativity should be fun, otherwise it's boring.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Get Organized

Spent last night off the net with the exception of a few peaks on the Blackberry.  I needed to relax a little.  In spite of charging the laptop, I never turned it on to type.  I did jot down a page full of notes for the thesis, which I am glad I did.  I felt even a small amount of effort on my part was worth the time to complete.  Now I have to make sure I organize myself because I wish to do a lot of writing that needs to get done.  So below is a list of things that will be worked on this week.

  • Blog Posts (6)
  • Thesis
  • Screenplay 
  • Idea Development

For those not in the know I write here, for Several Deadly CINES, and Tastes Like Comics.  I sincerely want to add a few more cinema posts to CINES.  I will settle for no less than two written for this week.  I may get to post them on the weekend, but I feel that writing them will work for me.  I've been updating thesis info of late.  The blog feels naked without some fresh essays.  I have the perfect films I want to look at and discuss.

I also have a collaboration to complete, which I'm excited about.  That's tomorrow's priority.  I need to get cracking.   Thesis needs a lot more research, but that's part of the charm of thesis.  You work those suckers with some intensity.  The screenplay needs some plot adjustments.  I have to thank my buddy Thor for that.  Check out his site, Caffeine-Fueled and forums as well.  The film and game reviews are hilarious as well as good. I have fun visiting.    

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturdazed But Not Confused

Watching the Nolan Batman films while working on my thesis.  I have a few articles to read so I can use them as scholarly sources. Sometimes this becomes a labor, but I like trying to understand the genre of comedy and a few of its sub-genres. Managed to get a new Tastes Like Comics article written.  I'll have to post on that a little later, since its not up yet.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

To Do Lists

The time has come for me to get more of my act together, and I know that takes more than saying I'm doing what I set out to do.  A brother needs to get organized.  I'm rather scatterbrained (typical artist behavior).  So now's the time to try out making tangible to do lists.

The goal is not to do everything in one day, but rather looking at what I want to do, and not getting overwhelmed with the process.  For example, I'm working on my thesis, but if I focus on getting a certain topic within the thesis covered, I can get that done, then work on the next.  

Also this should help with my fiction and blog posts.   I need to have a list of topics and worth them into my daily schedule.  The main thing is I'm not expecting perfection with this, but rather structure and results.  Even if something doesn't get accomplished, i can map my expectations and eventually fine tune what I'm doing.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday Wrap-Up

Hello all. It's been an up and down week as classes started and the place is like a retail store in terms of business.  I really haven't devoted the time I need to writing properly.  That burns me up.  I promised myself an entry here, and now I'm gonna have one. 

Been looking over my ideas for my thesis and thought about changing it.  If I talk more about this, it has to be on SDCS.  Y'all know the drill.

Got a haircut on Tuesday and that in itself was a process.  Made myself get up early so I can get the cut, go back home, and take a nap, if need be.  Instead  I arrived to a CLOSED barbershop.  I went back home, took a nap and realized after I dozed off I should call the place to see if it opened.  I called, my barber wasn't there, BUT I needed a cut so I went.

While there I watched a documentary against Planned Parenthood and targeting Black viewers.  It was very politically-charged.  A brother hates having to deal with race issues before he gets his cut.  Some of it was made to incense me too (it worked BTW).  A brother did leave the shop irritated with what he saw and having an ok haircut.  Didn't fell 100% sexy (more like 90%).  It was bittersweet.  

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Thesis Day

It's good because my mind is on my thesis, and that meant getting an introduction page done, and getting the pages to follow.  The first few pages are all about defining a B-Film and its history.  My next step is to let the pages cool off.

Got the oil changed today and that was a smooth process.  I'm glad I decided to not wait for the weekend for this one.  Sometimes it's too crowded and uncomfortable on the weekend.  it feels like a nasty chore then.  Better to get up a little early, get it done today and be done.  I do have a few more errands to run but that can't happen today.

Let's see what else I can get done.  I do know I need a meal.   LOL  

Thursday, February 03, 2011

I Wanna Go Back To Sleep

Didn't want to get up this morning.  I'm still tired.  I really want a late start, but that may not do me any good.  Besides, I'm up now.

Made a mental note last night that the garbage has to get out of my apartment today, so that's next on my agenda.

Fiction writing took a little of a back seat today and last night.  My mind was elsewhere.  I don't like that, but it happens.  Made some strides in my nonfiction writing I'm more than happy to discuss.  
Managed to get a page of thesis done last night.  Hand wrote out the corrections, and should strive to make the effort to edit the actual page.  Tomorrow I'd love to have four completed pages done.  It's a better start than before, and I love that I have some of the work to show for the research.  

Gotta get to things done.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Dreams and Early Start

Woke up early this morning and I remember some kooky dreams.  I'll go write them down cause they felt like they have story potential.  I did make myself go back to bed.  I felt that I should not be so eager to get up and waste precious sleep time.  At first I thought I wasn't going to fall back asleep, but then it happened.

Take that early morning!

I worked on my thesis some more.  It was a paltry display of work effort today, however, I managed to back up my material, so I feel that alone is worth the efforts.  Oh, I need to eat a meal.  I can't live on good thoughts alone.  I may go write and research some more.   I saw a good article on Douglas Sirk I want to read through.   I also have a couple more articles I'd love to read.

The Works Cited page is done, or at least all the info is on one page.  I will need to fine tooth comb this sucker cause I want it to stand out.

Had to run a couple of errands today.  One of them being going to the post office, and I left one of the packages at home.  I am really a hot mess this week.  I think I need to make a list of the things I need done, then work at them.  As it stands I am not organized this week.

The new quarter starts this week.   I really love the rush of new people.  I however know that rush has pros and cons.   Lord help me.