Friday, May 13, 2011

Walks While Sipping Lattes

A while back, A Brother walks and sips his latte with peace and satisfaction.  His power comes from the fact the he knows that the world will be ok. . .  for at least the moment.  While walking I spotted a most curious situation-A couple holding hands strolling leisurely down the street.  Typically it's a dime a dozen situation on the streets, but this couple drew dirty looks/glances, and one person nearly walked into the street to avoid these guys.

No big deal, you say?  Welcome to the south where you ARE judged by appearances. I gave that couple kudos 'cause they knew they were going to be judged and walked down the street just the same.  Also I'm not hating on nobody for being in love. I kept this scene in my head so you know one day it will be a story I write.  

Sometimes I wish all it took was giving someone a latte to calm them down, but ironically lattes will boost you up.  Perhaps some herbal tea instead?

1 comment:

bobo said...

Sometimes I think everyone needs to take a valium and chill out ;)