Saturday, November 15, 2008

S is for Scripts

It seems my writing mojo decided to keep in touch. I have a bit of a buzz as I write a screenplay for my class. Let me tell you, this has been a good journey for me. I need to keep myself going in the best way possible with the creativity. Before taking the class I did feel a little worried and apprehensive about it. I didn't know if I could produce thirty pages.

However, that voice in me that tells me that I should try the class won out. I feel now I have a chance to win at this class and turn in a dynamite script. It is a rated "R" comedy, and i intend to make the class blush from being obnoxious. I want to write more and more. I want a screenplay for every occasion, and story I see fit to write. I need to write more scripts in my life. It will make me feel good about my life. Not just rated "R." I'll take that "G," "PG" "PG-13," "NC-17" or "Unrated." I'm not afarid to change gears.

Like Mortal Kombat I want to rock a flawless for the final round of my class. Go me!

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