Saturday, December 25, 2004

Changes/Happy Holidays

I've been so busy I haven't written like I should. i did want to put in a holiday post. At least to wish all a happy holiday. Working at verizon has been great so far. I'm still intraining, but I realized my position is very much like a library assistant (former job). I do have to look up info, if people request things, and I also have to use a lot of courtesy. It should be worthwhile. At least the pay is wort all the time spent.

I need to e-mail a few pals, and wish them a happy holiday.

Sent my portfolio off to graduate school, so its just a waiting period now. I feel great about my success, so I can't see myself failing. I want to remain confidant about that.

Anybody remember "Cant' Let Go" by Mariah Carey. Its on my iTunes. I love that song. It's so sad, but I still love it.

A couple of people at work have two faces. Seen it a couple of days ago. Better keep my eye on that. Don't want to say anything around them & get the grapevine going.

Oh, to all Happy Holidays!!!!! Enjoy yourself.


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