Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Things Not To Do When You Call People

Not that you shouldn't call customer service when you have an issue, but for goodness sake please don't call while you are using the bathroom. There is a reason you close your door in the first place. Nobody wants to hear what you are doinging in there. Don't care about that. if you're taking a bath, I don't want to hear that. If you are using the toilet, I don't want to hear that eaither. NASTY.


Anonymous said...

Maybe they were on hold a long time but couldn't hold it anymore and they didn't want to get disconnected....

Unknown said...

Possible, but in some cases its like damn, that's gross. Thanks for the different perspective. ;-)

Beatty said...

ROFL That is too funny!!!! People talk on the phone to you while they're taking a dump?! LMAO!!!!!