Friday, January 25, 2008

My Friday :-)

As usual, I have my fingers to my keyboard, writing out some ideas and refining some texts that need it. I am so proud of the work I am doing that I think I can leave it as is, but the brain in me knows to at least give it a day. I feel like I did back in college and I changed an answer on my test. When I should have left the answer alone. I can leave it alone for a day, no?

Make up day for classes was today. I could not get up. It was so cold. A brother could freeze out of his bed. I must have hit the snooze alarm at least four times, which I thought was wrong of me. Still I did it. I was late to class by the way, and the room was cold.

Was feeling a little down. Between work, class, and life, I had a nasty touch of the blues. Not where I want to be. Still I must progress. I do like progress. I, however, feel like I’ve gotten back into a better mindset. I need to keep being proactive, which is my word of 2008.

Joined a writing group, and hope that improves all of us. I have a lot of homework to get to as well. Thank god I only have one class. Come summer I plan on going back to two classes. I have got to be done with my grad degree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chin up. I've been fighting the winter blues myself. It helps to think that every day that goes by brings a little more sunlight. At least until June, anyway, but by then it'll be warm at least. =)

I do enjoy our little writing group. I like what it's turning into.