Sunday, June 01, 2008

4, 3, 2, 1, *

Another Stacy math formula. With six months left of this trying year I decided that there are a few writing projects I need to get off the ground and completed. I have been lazy and made many excuses, but I need to get off of my duff and work for what I love. No man should put his passions on a back burner. Who is going to work as hard as I do on my own projects if I don't put the effort into them?

Each number represents a different medium with the least being the most infrequent (but still loved and worth a shot). Below is what I came up with.

4 Short Stories.
3 Film and television projects (1 short, 1 TV show, 1 film).
2 Novels (six chapters each).
1 Comic book limited series.

*Blog/lj posts and CSI: YABS does not count

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