Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Art on My Wall: Means More Than a Pretty Picture

I love my wall. it has a lot of the art you see on these blog posts, except the nekkid people. I know that would be a conversation set if I did, and am tempted to make it so. My mother would leave the room. Nude male and female models on my wall? Several of my art unfriendly family would leave and call me a pervert and gay behind my back, They likely may, since I am too mysterious for my own good. Who gives a damn. I can't live my life for them.

This is a corner piece of my wall and I love this image. The first is Conte crayon. I did this in Drawing I, as I remember. I was struggling so BAD! LOL That's why I tell people never give up on your dreams and goals. Here's why: My prof, Jon Michel, was HARD and a master artist. I was sure I was failing his class. OMG drawing I was TOUGH as chewing nails. People don't know, but to have a serious drawing professor, and to make so many errors and want to get better then make MORE errors felt so heavy. Drawing I was a superior struggle. Jon does not let you off the hook either. Get back there and work at that image and resolve the issues damn it. I got an "A" out of the class BTW, but I paid my dues and I worked and worked.

The second smaller images is mixed media. Watercolor background and color pencil drawings. if there is a weakness to this images, I would say it is that I didn't do enough of them. Still it started off with some mystery figures that I loved. I should get my watercolors from Charleston, and do some new pieces. I can control the watercolors better. They are lesss messy, and I can have some pleasure when I'm not working or doing classwork.


Beatty said...

Hey there! Bet you're surprised to see my posting a comment over here! :o)

I can rarely make time for much on the computer anymore. I'm off now until after the 4th so hopefully I'll have more time while I'm off to make my rounds over here and get to my other interests online.

I just posted a good blog. You'll have to check it out when you get a chance.

You have been very busy I see! Like seeing your art online! I have no artistic talent, so I'm always amazed at those like yourself that do.

Unknown said...

I am always happy when you visit Beatty. :-)