Wednesday, October 29, 2008

O is for October

This is my fave month but it is also a very transitional month. The weather changes from warm to cold. Leave change from green to ironically warm colors of red, yellow, brown and orange. Fall season brings new episodes of some of my fave shows. Sometimes I get new shows I can peak at. Sometimes I wish I had a DVR. I really do. My birthday has come and gone. It's a blessing. Needless to say I am grateful for a good month. I seem to have found my blogging spirit again. Where did go. Glad it came back.

N is for Next

As in the next time I have a negative experience I am going to change it into a postive.  Call it a learning tool.  A brother needs to get above the cure and stop thinking he doesn't have a chance.   I have all the chances in life.  I'm learing so much just by living.  I'm hoping to claim more postives before the week is through.  I need to get myself going on new projects. 

M is for Micro-Managed

This goes out to my angel in the room.  he tends to make things sweet and lovely.  he wants me to think about how my writing would be better if people didn't think I was a bit offbeeat.  Also proper people don't think left of center.  They fit in.  They belong with the rest of the crowd.  Am i the weed in the patch of roses?  

I look at this and I think that I am not a weed.  If the color is red, then I'd be blue.  Why?  I am me, and I should not make excuses for myself.  I should take risks that are good for my craft.  Can't play it safe when I know the unique voice is the one the angel hates.  So the angel does me a favor, and I read him wrong.  He questions my true impulses because he wants me to know they stand out.   He puts out the list of contraditory thoughts not so I can be normal, but so I know that it's unique.   

Sunday, October 26, 2008

L is for Lars and The Real Girl

Lars and the Real Girl is a film that did two things for me.  1. It was not my typical type of movie (action/sci-fi/fantasy).  2. it's got a lot of charm and heart, and humor.  Where do I start.  it's about a guy who is painfully shy who develops a crush and relationship on a Real Girl.  I am being rather abstract here, because to say more is to ruin the movie for those who have not seen it.  I was pleasantly surprised, by how good the movie is, and how drawn in I became.  I would put it in my collection next to my Lord of the Rings.  Yeah, I'm bold about it.  

Saturday, October 11, 2008

K is for Kitchen

I am making lasagna for dinner today and steamed vegetables. I started with the sauce, and I wanted to finish it, but it was late. I sauteed some onions (red and white), bell peppers, and mushrooms. The sauce I added oregano, Italian seasonings, minced garlic, a dash of sugar, salt, red pepper flakes, and bay leafs. I was able to add the sauteed veggies to the sauce, but that was it last night. I will brown the meat today, and I need to add some diced tomatoes to get the sauce to have some more liquid, cause now it looks like some rich vegetable stew.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

J is for Justified

I like how I feel right now. It seems things are going in the right direction for me. Bills paid and a proactive choice was made to maintain a sense of balance over my finances. I'm in a program that wants me to be there without beating me over the head with preliminaries and conditional courses. I feel positive all over. While proactive will remain a goal, another will be to complete my graduate program.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I is for Incorporate & Infuse!

It occured to me that in order to give myself and my writing a better vision, I must incoproate elements of myself into my work.  I must infuse my stories from my life and culture.  I must think of the things that make my experience uniquely my own.   I need to get bet beter at respecting my thoughts and ideas as a solid whole aspect of me.  By extention, my writing is me.  There can be no more holding back.  To dare leave out the things that make me, hurts me.  it suggests that I don't like who I am, and this cannot be.  I love myslef and my life.  I will improve.  I will get better.   In order to take things to the next level, I MUST incoproate aspects of my life in my creativity.

H is for Help

I wanted to satrt this day off smooth, but work up to a burning red eye.  OMG Let me tell you, it was like someone threw some pepper in there.  It stung so much.  I was embarrased.  What made it so irritated.  Outside the temperature changed.  I didn't like that.   Ran for the Zyrtec.  Felt as sleepy as can be.  Went to class, and the lit films class is so cozy, I could fall asleep.  Watched the Bride of Frankenstean.  Hadn't seen that one in a LONG time.   ahfter a few headbobs, I managed to force myself to saty awake.  

Monday, October 06, 2008

G is for Graduate Program Change

Well it's official, I've changed my major to Cinema Studies. I don't have any preliminary courses, and I am grateful the program hasn't set any conditions on me. It's been a wild ride with graduate courses, but I feel that it is necessary that I make proper adjustments to my academic career as opposed to feeling powerless to help myself. I'm not going to dwell on my negative experiences, but rather look forward to an exciting change.

P.S.  Did I mention that there is no conditional review for me?  I only have to pass the candicy reveiw, which is required of all majors.   No extra work to deal with.  :-)  

F is for "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"

I saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall this weekend. It is a laugh out loud film. I didn't think I would like this one, but I found myself laughing out loud at several moments of this film.  I love the Dracula opera song.   The film in a film stuff is great.  That parody of CSI is drop dead funny.   It's really so good silly fun.  Some people may be uncomfortable with the male frontal nudity (shown briefly a few times), but it really works in this film.   Symbolically it suggests a physical, mental and spiritual nakedness and vulnerability of the character.  Ultimately a freedom the character possesses.  Jason Segel is a brazen and smart actor.  I give him his props.

Mila Kunis' character is so likable and spirited.  I remember her mainly as Jackie from  that Seventies Show.   She gets to be a lot more mature, and contrast Jason's emotional character.  Russell Brand's rather sexually charged rock star persona is hilarious.  Even his sweet, sexy ballad is raunchy.   It just hurt to laugh so much.   See it/don't see it. It's up to you. Taste is mildly subjective.   I know I had more than a few good laughs that I needed.   Linked the web page for those who might have a passing interest. 

P.S.  Beetlebum will kill me for not mentioning  Kristen Bell, so I have to.  The Crime Scene parody made me laugh so hard.  Also her ability to entangle herself in relationships is interesting.   I liked her relationship with Brand and Segel's characters.   The I Hate Sarah Marshall blogsite is so funny!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

E is for Easy Money

Went to Starbucks for a java chip frappichino. On my way back from getting my chocolate goodness, this dude asks me if I have a dollar. For the record, it is not cool to ask me if I have a dollar. If I had it, I would spend it on myself. Also it doesn't help that he asked the Starbucks attendant inside the building to exchange is four quarters for a bill.

Needless to say, I told him no, and kept it moving. Were I to have a dollar for all who asked, I would have the wealth of Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Donald Trump combined. I would be able to spare a brother some change, but still, if charity and hustle is all you can do, then a brother's going to need a J-O-B.

D is for Determined

I am determined to get my classwork and life managed with a high amount of success.  I needed a "break day" to digest so many things and Now I need to get in gear as I work a LOT harder on my lit films and screenwriting class.   A brother is tired.  Yes he is.  So Let's see if I can get the research done for the screenplay.   I really need a full uniterrupted day to get it done. 

Thursday, October 02, 2008

C is for Confusion & Chinese

For the past few days the temperature dropped at night.  It was cool and I needed the heat in the car on.  I forgot this every moring, riding on my way to class.  Well, needless to say in the warm weeather I was like, "why am I feeling so hot."  By time I thought of the question, it dawned on my that i did not change the car's thermostat back to cool.   So my lovely duh moment hit me like a brick. 

Planning to get Chinese food for dinner. I simply won't be cooking tonight.  

B is for Birthday

It was yesterday, but what the hell. I love my life, and feel blessed that God has given me a chance to see another year. I didn't do much for my birthday because I had a busy class and work schedule. I did manage to get to visit the family the previous week, which made my day. Someone said I had a "glow" about me. That was true. Birthday glow! :-)

A is for Ambition

I have a script that I wrote out all the plot for ansd presented to class today.  Act one is on track, BUT act two and three need mad work.  I have a lot of good ideas and but it needs to be fine tuned.  I got a lot of great feedback form the class so I have a lot to digest and resolve.  I feel so busy from this one class alone, but the end result will be 30-40 pages of script!   Yes, I'm being ambitious, and it it isn't easy for me, but I love a good challenge.