Friday, March 04, 2005

Working Blues

Love customer services, but sometimes it really bothers me to serve people. I got two escallated calls today, on top of that I had to clean up other reps' messes, which took nearly all my day. That's just crazy mad drama. My life is drama.

...Then I get over it. Somethings are just to stiupid to be caught up in. Really. Hopefully people will learn to be better. I'd like to think that's what will happen.

I need to treat myself. Something nice. Maybe I just need to unwind with a movie or a good book, get lost in something other than the job. I should get the pastels out and start drawing again.

I do have some new video games to get lost in.


infinitetrial said...

i can relate to your dilemma. i used to be a tech support and i left mah job because i can't handle it anymore. i've been good to people thinkin that they would treat me good as well. bad words, discrimination, and some downsizing remarks gave me nightmares. i literally dreamed about mahself takin calls and customers shoutin on me. i quit mah job but i made sure before i left, i have helped some grateful customers.

Unknown said...


Thaks for posting. I'm positive the job will get better, or at the least I will become better, so that I can deal with the foolishness better. I do know I am not going through the same mess again. I made that promise to myself last night.

infinitetrial said...

good for you. i think you'll do better in your job if you have determination. don't get me wrong...i used to like mah job. for sure you understand. i just hate it when other people don't mind the simple things you do for them. that's why i really appreciate people who say thanks. good luck to you! hope you get good calls.