Friday, April 22, 2005

Another Day and I Feel Fine II

My bro woke me up early 'cause he swore he saw my cat Max outside. So a false alarm. Oh, that got me in the gut. I thought that fool came back home. Thank God I wasn't fully awake, or I would hate the morning.

I like today. At work we got pizza for being a great team. had to meet with our boss' boss. Also had a lot of calls. That don't matter. My goal is to serve and move on. Even the pissed off people don't make me mad anymore. LOL That's a great feeling. I did have one asshole who thought I should give him a discount. As if I could pull one of those discounts out of the freaking air. Asshole!!!! I ain't mad ROFL!!!!!!!

Working 2 morrow. Usually I HATE Saturdays, but I've been doing this feelgood vibe all week long, so I hope that goes away. I feel so good, I'll do overtime with no muss or fuss.-Next week. ROFL

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