Friday, April 22, 2005

I Felt great Today

This odd damn thing happened. i actually enjoyed a day at work. ROFL!!! WTF????? What happened to me. i was all miserable and shit. Where did it go. Maybe 'cause it's a full moon, or the fact that I decided to make my own lunch, and have been feasting on salad and pasta for the week. All I know is that people kept calling, and I was like I gotta get back on the line and get stuff done.

Maybe it was the fact that I realized that people who call really need my help, and I'm willing to give that service. The job isn't a burden, I just hate my shift sometimes, and some people are awful to speak with. That's alright. They don't phase me.

Listening to Monica's "The First Night." I love the song. The "Love Hangover" sample is well-used.

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