Sunday, November 13, 2005

Food On The Brain

I have a lot of work to do. Today has been a bummer. My jay was hurting so bad last night, I couldn't eat. Thought I slept improper the night before. Woke up this moring feeling better. Ate pizza for breakfast, tuna salad is on tonight's menu.

Work is comming along. Still not fully verserd on everything. Will put in some requests for additional info as needed. Want some coffee. Will go to Starbucks in a moment. I'm downsizing though. The cup will be tall, and not my ususall venti. No need to stay up all night. LOL

I also have a craving for BBQ ribs cooked nice and slow in the oven. I am mad about food, at least in thought. Ribs will have to come during my next trip to the store. I am on a food shopping budget. LOL Since it wasn't on the list this go round, I have 2 skip it this month. :-(


Fresh said...

Ribs sound REALLY good!

Unknown said...

You know it! It's all I think about. Next grocery day it the first thing on my list. LOL

...Now, what to eat with ribs.