Friday, May 23, 2008

Transgressional Fiction

After discussing Fight Club at YABS and on Corrina’s LJ, I decided to look the book up (as I never read the book or seen the movie), but came across the term Transgressional Fiction. By definition of the genre, I found the protagonist’s plight very compelling, and found myself identifying with the concepts and protagonist situations. It opens a door to thinking actively about what and how I write I also came across literary minimalism, which is something I have been using but unaware of it as well.

This is not to call myself a transgressive writer, but it gives me a point to bounce off of. Have anybody else found a genre that “hooked” you more than you realized?


Anonymous said...

yes, that's me!
just yesterday i stumbled across it and while i wouldn't consider myself a transgressional writer, many elements are present in my work.

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting.

Sometimes I am convinced I have yet to find my real voice in writing. But I do like the elements of this genre.