Monday, May 02, 2005

I took A Few Days Off

I have some time off work, so I have decided to rest myself. Hopefully I can recharge my batteries, and live like I have no worries for the day. LOL

Paid all my bills first. This was a new for me, since I tend to pay bills when I get to them. I needed to get that out of the way, so I don't know

Have some stuff to do for grad school that I need to get out of the way. I am so excited about going, so it is great to even think about.

Have some relatives complaing about my weight. I haven't gained much, It is expected that I would gains more weight, since I am getting older. I really am taking offense to it. I really feel like the conversation is taking a turn for the worse. I decided to change the subject when it was brought up. If I hear it again, I will let somebody know that They need to shut the f*ck up. I've gotten that testy.

Haven't been as cretive as I like, however all good things are due in time.

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