Thursday, April 24, 2008

Because a Conversation with Cuttermike is Awesome! Part 3

Cuttermike's response (AKA the good stuff):

Just reminding you of what you already knew.

Back when I was in art school, I had a special projects "class" where I would work on stuff for a week or two and then bring it in in a batch for a one-on-one with one of the professors.

Usually, my drawings tend to be very tight, with a very wiry sort of line, but there was this one down near the bottom of the stack where I had just been playing around. I only included it, really, because I liked it BECAUSE it was so different (and because I didn't feel that I had a tall-enough stack to justify the past couple of weeks).

So the prof gets to the bottom of the stack and says, "Now THIS is what I've been talking about for the past two years! This is what I've been waiting to see, when you just let it all go! I KNEW you could do it and you never did! Why? Were you afraid of failing?"

And without thinking about it I just exploded:

"NO!!! I am NOT afraid of failure!! I'm afraid of SUCCESS, because if you can do it ONCE people expect you to be able to DO IT ALL THE TIME AND I DON"T NEED THAT KIND OF PRESSURE and I need to go away somewhere right now and think about what I just said."

So, yeah, boyo; been there, done that...

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