Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Road Trip In the Works

I feel a road trip comming on. You gotta love that feeling. LOL I am about to head someplace exciting (meaning different than the norm). Nothing bad will happen. I won't get a tattoo (I hope). I just feel that urge to do something out of my comfort zone. The tattoo would cover the outside, but I need not go that far. LOL I am so square to be an artist. I'm not cool or hip at all. ROFL

What I am, is my own person. That's better thanbeing cool anyday. Besides being cool is overrated. You have to make sure your just as edgier as you were 5 mins ago. How fun is that (waaay fun from from what I see!). Anyways my self-depretiation moment is over. I gotto go do things, like my assignments.

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