Sunday, October 02, 2005

Friends and Drama II

I had this friend, who acted as if she could not tie a shoe without permission. We used to work together. We talked about aspring things, like dreams and goals. Life was ok. Drama was all over the place, but we remained cool. Of course, I let my guard down, and we talked a lot. I also loved having someonne to relate to. Things were fine.

I left that job. It was done, I was in debt, and needed to get from under that shadow. Even thought we didn't see each other on a daily basis, we still talked. E-mails, week-end calls. We were still cool.

Then something odd happened. My emails were not being returned. My messages must have been deleted from her VM. What happened? I may never know the deal on that, but A friend told me there's monkey biz going on at the old haunt with foolishness to go around for everyone. Somebody's all in the drama.

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