Thursday, September 16, 2004

I Am an Imaginary Man

Yesterday my ex-coworkers told everyone at the party that only her REAL friends showed up, so the rest don't matter. I suppose she was trying to invalidate Circ staff's existance. Perhaps it's necessary, as she enters a new chapter of her life. She's so full of shit. LOL I had to mention that. I suppose I don't exisit, so I'm a figment of my own imagination. LOL Whatever the case may be, hopefully this will be the last adventure about her.

Work was ok after that. I did a lot of processing, and corrected some other processing too. Got a java chip from Starbucks. I got the biggest one, which I should not have, sinc eht edamn thing was nearly too much. Ordered general Tso's chicked from chineses resturant for lunch. At the egroll, some of the chicken and rice. Will eat the rest today.

Have a strong feeling that I will be very succesfull at graduate school. I have a strong feeling all around. I feel blessed to be in this moment, and I am grateful for my good fortune.

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