Sunday, January 16, 2005

Dinner and Some Friends

Last night I went out to dinner with some friends. When went to a jJapanese resturant. I had a devil of a time finding the place. Ironicly, I passed it a couple of times, thinking the way was someewhere else. Left my home early, so I could get there on time. Thank God I did, or I woulod have been late, late, late. Boy was I stuffed. I got so much food. it's a great thing though.

Today I'm making lasang and some salad. I will start the food soon, so i won't be online much sooner. I had to get my entry in though.

Got myself so on sale games for my GameCube. Finally bought Zelda, Sands of Time, and Lord of The Rings. I l;ove adventure games, so I'm in heaven. I'll have to make the time for the games later this evening. Enjoying them so far.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great minds Nicole. It was good Lasanga too.