I'm here, though I get busy, I always come back to the blogg. Sad news of sorts. My moms in the hospital. She's staying there for a few days while the doctors figure out what's wrong with her. Talked to her earlier. She seems to be ok, so Im not too worried. I hope she gets better. When she gets home, I'll have to make sure she's ok.
My bro seems to be neglecting his puppy. He left the poor pooch alone for some time. I played with her some, and I felt bad for her. Unlike my cat, who craves individuality, puppies wants lots of attention. He's being insensitve to his pet's needs. Hopefully this will change. I don't want to think he's being a jerk about his pup.
Work's ok. Being in cust care can be daunting at times. My communication skills went up though. ROFL.
I hope everything with your mom turns out okay. You're a good son to be looking out for her like you do.
Thanks Henry & Nicole for your support. My mom's home now. She did have me worried, however, she's resting comfortably at home. If I could, I would take a couple of days of work to make sure she is ok.
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