Friday, December 09, 2005

Hitting the Fitness Center

My new years resolution is to hit the fitness center, which is FREE to SCAD employed (part of the college). As a student and employee of the college, I have access to the gym. I want to start off with something simple, cyling. Me and my former exercise buddy, Heather ( I miss her- we used wo work at Verizon Wireless together) , used to do cycling at VZW's gym. I miss exercise. I need to start again. Misplaced my gym sweats, but I am positive I can replace those with a trip to Wally World.

Its simply me this time. I do want to be healthier, lose a few pounds, and feel better about doing this, as opposed to feeling like I have to because of everyone. Now that all negative crittiques can be pushed away (tactless relatives), I can do what I want with no pressure whatsoever.

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