Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I Have a Friend...

I have a friend who took some meds for OCD, and it made her want to commit suicide. She OD's on some pills and had to be rushed to the hospital. Homegirl was a mess. She's having a tough time. Called her back to see how she was doing. left a message for her. Hope she's ok.


Beatty said...

Wow, lots of crap going on around you. I see why you are having a time studying.

You're going to have to try to remove yourself from some situations if you can so you can get things done you need to do and back on track.

As for work, you need to set the record straight with the employees. Be an ass if you have to. They'll listen then. Belive me. It's sad to say, but people tend to listen more when you're very forceful.

Unknown said...


A friend were talkining about this. I've already asked about having things shipped directly to me would be the best option, if they want me to be responsible for incomming shipments.

I may have to be rude about it. I was so trying to avoid that route. I wanted people to know I am open to work, but not to laying down to be walked all over. Some people are possibly trying to provoke a response.

I can tell you next meeting I am going to place a HARD and stern objection to the BS.

Beatty said...

Being in charge of people is like dealing with kids. If you're not tough, they will walk all over you.

Just remember when you have to be tough, it's not a personal thing, it's business. If you don't, get tough and mean it, they won't respond. Sad to say but that's how people are.

Unknown said...

It's not the people I'm in charge of that's the problem. I am in charge of or work study students. The students are a charm and a blessing to deal with. I meet so many different students. They do an excellent job.

My problem is with my peers, who have the same administrtative duties as me. Things like packages that are labled "Circulation," any staff member can handle. When we have a meeting I will redress this because some poeple have a hole in their head when it comes to infomation.

Beatty said...

Oh I thought it was the people you were in charge of.

Well samething stands for peers. You just gots to get nasty with them for them to heed. :o)