Thursday, August 17, 2006

Don't Ask Me...

I am writing this next entry and placing a disclaimer: I am not writing this as an attack on anyone. I feel as a writer though, it is fair grounds for me to open my mouth and start writing as the situations that impact me are at best the personal ones. If my writing is perceived as a personal attack, please feel free to post a comment and assert the validity of your claim.

Often friends asked me on why do I think certain things happen in relationships. I have no valid answers, only guesses as to why. One thing I do want to tell the people who ask so often, is to listen to their mate. What does he/she say when things are going smooth. What are they doing, when they have free time?

Can you accept what’s going on, or are you going to put up a smoke screen so you don’t see the shit.

Case in point, an old friend was in love with someone who was not available (married). He was willing to wait until said person was free. All the while the married one was in a loving relationship. What didn’t he ask himself, but asked me is, “how can someone be in love with two people at one time?” My response was, “don’t ask me, ask your mate.” Ask yourself why you put up with waiting for someone who is in love with someone else. Why is it acceptable to place yourself on the line when you’re taking all the risk?

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