Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Too Proper To Be Black?

I had a lady tell me today that I sound too proper when I speak. "Too proper?" Literally translated "I sound too proper for a black man." What the fuck does that mean? I should have know by the way she was watching, and wouldn't leave the desk that she was interested in me.

I am a graduate student and I am a library assitant. I wondered if I should I sound more slangy with the broken southern english (ebonics)? My roots are Charleston, SC , and people have often ridiculed Charlestonians for speaking with poor dialect. I told her she was dealing with a differnt type of brother. She thought I meant gay.

***So I snapped my fingers at her, twisted my neck, narrowed my eyes and told her, "Oh no you didn't..." (ok this sentence is a lie, but funny.)***

So, only gay men of color speak with formal diction and sound "white," right? She was trying to guage my reaction. She said I was sharp and smart, but I didn't go all flaming when I spoke to her, so she wasn't sure if I was gay or not. I lost interest in the conversation. I thought about it and had a laugh.

Ever listen to someone before becoming "engaged" in further conversations? We were going nowhere fast. I'm sure we'll bump into each other again. I am also sure she will fish for more information when she does come around. I think a woman with a limited scope of ethnicity is a dead end prospect for a relationship before anything jumps off.

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