Saturday, August 18, 2012

Unemployment Sucks part 37: Thinking Commercial

It's been nearly a year since I was unjustly terminated from my job, and job hunting's been moving up and down a scale that doesn't seem to fare better.  I write, and I write some more. That too has gone up and down.  Been submitting applications and my resume left and right to no avail.  it seems I'm overqualified for some jobs, and under-qualified for others. It's taking it's sweet time, but I eat, sleep, and breath this wrongful termination, and it's affected every aspect of my life.

This is not to say my life's over.  If so I may as well stop blogging now and wait for the end to happen.  Why face a setback (not defeat) by giving up. I choose to endure, suffer, sacrifice, and withstand all the negativity.  Why?  Because I know things happen for a reason.  There's a time and place for things. I also know in the end I will succeed and be in a better place than I was and am now.  I worked hard to succeed.  I built my success through my hard work and efforts.  They've brought me to this point, and deep within my soul I know this is not where the story ends.  God willing, as my soul speaks, I will find a better path than I followed.

Been laying low (not blogging) as I contemplate my next moves on how to survive.  Of course the bills are due, and the crunch of it all is ever present and dangeously looming over me.  Noticed the smell of bread's been nauseating me.  That's not a good sign, but it didn't make me sick when I had a slice of it.  May need to to start keeping a food diary so I can see what works or not.  it may simply be this brand of bread.  Makes note to self to switch brands in the future when I run short.

Creative wise I've been stressed, BUT I got the feeling I'm back on the right track, which doesn't mean resting.  It means putting more efforts into actions, like keeping up with my blog, and writing more and more.  It also means that in spite of all woes I must never give in or up.  If I have to write a post and leave it in draft mode cause it's too short, then that's what I have to do.  Even bum days should produce five sentences.  Revising is my friend.

Thinking commercial refers to how and what I write. I tend to write stories that appeal to my inner silliness, which may or may not appeal to an audience. Part of making successful (selling) stories is how others respond to the material.  Another part of my writing is my sense of humor.  Humor usually comes off well (people laugh).  Needless to say IF I can make people laugh perhaps I AM thinking of my audience since I love to hear laughter and to laugh.

So I think what's next is to make sure I at least will laugh at my own concepts, and perhaps test them on a few close friends. I'm such a creative goofball so it won't hurt to go for laughs. Not that all my ideas are strictly humorous.  I'm not always goofy, and in fact, can be downright serious and no-nonsense when it comes to my outlook on life.  Like I mentioned many times before, giving up on life and my goals/dreams is not an option.

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