Saturday, August 13, 2005

How Drama Never Leaves Me, I Doth Confess

Hello all,

Good Lord. I thought I I was on the new path with getting my old job back at a higher price. Was I WRONG. Oh, they interviewed me, and I don't know why. The job went to someone else. I never had a chance. Suspiciously I think some people stopped talking to me too. I think someone put out the Hater-Aid. All green eyed flavor. Forget that. Forget haters. I placed applications at other places that are non-old job specific, and offered more money. I hope that means there's a window of opportunity out there for me.

Trying to rest my nerves. The current job makes me so mad. Sometimes I really hate my job. I won't give them any more thought after this sentance.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm sorry to hear you are so disenchanted with your job these days. I had a feeling the stress would catch up with you but I was hoping it wouldn't. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

Thanks Berry. I willmake it out of this situation. Lots of prayer, and apllications for other jobs will cure this. I know it will.

Unknown said...

Thanks Nicole. I'm working on that new job, and every peice of support helps. Thank you again.