Friday, March 23, 2007

It Ain't All Rain

God has blessed me with great times, and the will to move forward. I have many doors open to me, so instead of feeling bad tonight, I choose to remind myself, that life ain't all rain. The sun shall shine again. Life goes on. I pray for the strength and wisdom to see this every day, every night, and share it with the world.

Spread the word. There will be bad days, but we're gonna get over them, and we're gonna be stronger than we've ever been. We're gonna work our lives with the success that put the twelve labors of Hercules to shame. We will pluck the fruit from the vine, and taste the sweetest of sweet success. A kiss won't be just a kiss. Feel the love behind those lips. A helping hand won't be just a helping hand. Let it be a rock for us to have support. We will be free of all that tries to constrain us.

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