Monday, March 05, 2007

My Writing XIV

Oh cool. Chapter six has had its last revision! It is so done. I have a finished mini series. Go me! This means addressing the proposal aspect of my comic book. It requires a few things, noted in early posts, and I am so good for them. I want to master this phase of writing. This is where I become more of a business man, and not the creative whirlwind I love to be.

I love a good challenge. I am feeling good in that my work is paying off. What I am pleased with is that I finished the entire story before shopping it around. I wanted to have something more than concrete. more than a couple of interesting chapters. I wanted it done and ready toto ship out. Also I wanted to know what happened to the characters.

By the end of the week I hope to visit the poswt office, and drop my proposal package in the mail. I am very excitied about this. Many don't know, but its been a dream of mine to write comics fuill-time. This is only a limited series, and I see this as the beginning of a good thing. Thanks to all who encoraged and helped me along the way.

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