Thursday, September 27, 2007


Didn't feel like writing too much today. i have been overworked, and tired. Quite frankly i want to lay down and do nothing, which I won't be doing tomorrow in spite of my stubborn desires to do so. Will run some much needed errands, and try to chill.

I want to make some bake chicken, wild rice and vegies. I need to see how I feel in the morning. I feel so worn down. This has been a heavy week for me. Work, class, and my own academic misadventures.


the wicked witch of the east said...

dude...i'm digging the new layout...very "retro"...fridays are traditionally "take out" nights...or to say, "mama wasn't cooking on that day" hakuna matata...;)

Unknown said...

LOL Chinese food tonight. :-)

Anonymous said...

I commented on your layout the other day, but I think my comment got eaten. =O In any case, don't run yourself into the ground. Get some sleep! If you get sick, you won't be able to finish that smutty story you promised us. ;-)

Unknown said...

I'm such a goof Aggie, thanks for stopping by and liking the new look.

It's been a long week of stuff. I am exhausted, yet I have a few errands to run before it turns to 1:00. I should go to the grocery story, but that's tomorrow--maybe.

Unknown said...

That story. I so need to claim it, type it, and submit it.

Blogger will occasionally eat your comments. Hungry 'lil bastard.