Friday, February 08, 2008

Allergies: Darn It

My alergies have started in on me. Taking Claritin has had mixed results. I have had unusual dreams, and felt like I was on a film loop, unable to think straight or sleep. It's really doing me wrong. On top of that when I wake, I am so drowsy, I can't get my studying in. This means I have to stop taking Claritin, suffer through the allergy assault in order to get some studying done. My plan was to do at least some serious in-depth studying. I grazed over my notes, which irritates the heck out of me. I will keep trying but I am way too drowsy to retain info.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Claritan never worked at all for me, but I have been through many other antihistamines. In fact, the whole meth thing caused me quite a problem because I could no longer buy mass quantities.

After a few months on standard antihistamines you don't feel quite as drowsy. Still, it's hard to study or write. When I was a grad student and couldn't stay focused enough to do my thesis, I also tried accupuncture which helped my energy, but not my nose or stuffiness. I was able to do a little better on alertness, despite the antihistamines.

I won't even tell you how many years and attempts it took me to find something that did work, and then it was by accident. For a couple months, I'd taken a new nutritional supplement for energy (along with tons of caffeine) to counteract the antihistamines I took year round, when suddenly I discovered I no longer could smell a cat (my worst allergy) when someone opened the door to their house.

When this happened enough, I cut down and eventually cut out the antihistamines. I still have occasional sniffles, but no more antihistamines, itching, coughing, stuffiness, etc.

The supplement is an immune system booster and natural detoxifier, so maybe that's why it helped me and has helped others.

So if you want to reach me, you can through my business url, write in (Stacy allergy relief) and I'll tell you more.

Good luck!