Saturday, February 02, 2008

Feed Me Friday

I had a lot of errands to do today. One of which was to get a haircut. I am so glad I did, because I was about to go into little fro mode. My hair is thick, and wild. Short and sweet is better for me. Thank God it's not summer. I'd be sweating like crazy.

Speaking of hair, did I mention I have gray hairs in my head? I thought I got rid of them, but the barber noticed more. J told me that gray hair is good luck, so now I have to keep them.

I forgot to buy some juice, and I need some, cause people are sick all over the job and campus. All I need to do is catch the virus they spread. I was hungry too. Didn't cook today, but will make chili tomorrow (I think) if all goes well. I am simply too tired to work over the stove.

I am editing a script I wrote. I am positive it could stand another rewrite, and formatting has become quite the task. You see, I don’t have the ScreenWriter software, so I have to go to the comp lab to format it. I was lucky, and the library has the software on a few of the computers. I was able to format it, print it out, and look it over. Uploading it from Word files can be tricky, as I have to check it all to smooth out any formatting mistakes.

I hope to show it to my friends so that they can give me some feedback, but at least I have to make the changes proper, unless I want to show them how big a goof I am for my many formatting errors.

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