Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Comic Book Math

Bear with me for a moment. I’m not a math friendly person, and this is not a word problem. More like my own theory.

Comics are typically 22 pages an issue, with some exceptions. I decided to work on a new comic that I am writing real loose (much like CSI: YABS). That is to say I am simply getting the thoughts & dialog typed. I’m currently not too concerned with heavy details yet. Because of this I have decided that this 3 to 4 issue comic I am writing will have 15 loose pages written for each chapter, and the last issue will have 10.

Here’s why: When I write in a loose format, I am not taking into account panels and pages proper. If I stop myself at 15 pages, it means when I start adding panels and doing a page count, it’s possible to expand scenes in the 7 pages I left over. If anything spills over, the last issue will have more than enough room to resolve the problems.

This theory does not even take into account the amount I will have to spend on the artist, letterer, and/or colorist. :-(

Does this make any sense to y’all?

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