Sunday, March 23, 2008

Let It Flow

For those not in the know, I love to entertain people with my writing. Been that way since I learned to write. The ideas have been a real simple formula all this time. As per the last post, I’ve been writing spoofs/farces/parodies featuring my family and friends. People who read them have had positive responses to my writing. I must say “thank you” to all who have been reading CSI: YABS and responding. I had no idea I was that funny. Honest. I just like to write, and it makes me feel good.

Here is how I write my spoofs. I get a scene in my head, and I let the characters talk. That’s all. Essentially I can break a story into scenes. I don’t think too hard on it. I simply write what comes out. I edit for misspellings (in the future, I may have revisions for additional content or research). Now if I apply this to all my stories and scripts, I can write them better.

With other scripts I have thought them out so well, and plotted ideas to the last breath. I lost the spontaneous quality that readers and I respond to. I tend to hold my characters tight, and have to know everything. I suspect that is why my novel never went past a few chapters. I know too much already. Why write it? If I let my characters go and allow them the freedom they need to express themselves, well perhaps I can give more to the story. Their passion is my happiness, as my passion is to write them.

Sounds Zen? No? What is the sound of one hand using a pen on the paper? Why don’t you, dear reader go find out?

So all this complex writing techniques I’ve learned, I can put them to the side and try out the technique that yields results.

Special thanks goes to:
Martin, Aggie, The Rotten Apples Gang, J, Shisho, and everyone who keeps on encouraging me. I want to see you shine as well.

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