Sunday, March 16, 2008

10,000 B. C.

I decided to go see the movie. Something of a treat for myself. Check out the website for the movie if you're curious.

The movie was ok. Not Earth shattering, but nowhere the horror people were trying to tell me it was. It's really a "coming of age" story, where the young warrior learns courage and leadership. His people are taken to be slaves, or course, the woman he loves is one of the captured people.

I loved the giant chickens (terror birds). Real aggressive for their meals. Sadly not enough of them in the film, not enough saber tooth tiger (that sucker was HUGE) as well. It was like they were union, put in their parts, and dipped off.

There is a slave revolt in the movie. it was worth seeing. None of that we must suffer all through the movie and nothing happens. They kept whipping that African, and he was waiting for the signal. When they gave it, that slave whipping dude was toast. Kinda wished they spent a few more minutes on dude getting his ass kicked.

Worse part, the near ending. Girl dies, and is magically brought back to life. Very, very weak in my opinion. Wounded I could accept. Still more terror birds were needed for me! I had fun.


Anonymous said...

Damn, I hate it when the dinosaur union won't allow them to work more than a couple of scenes. Are they trying to become extinct in Hollywood or what? *bad joke canned laughter here*

I still think I wanna go see that movie if just to get outta this house and hear some screaming and drama on the big screen instead of the same old crap on tv.

Thanks for the review, Stacy!!

Unknown said...

LOL I love that joke Nicole. :-)

Go see it have fun, and relax. It's not a deep movie, but it will make an ok distraction.

Thank you for stopping by and posting.