Saturday, October 09, 2004

ActionScript is a Killer

I'm at the lab, doing what I do best, taking a break from ActionScript. LOL. I like Flash, but these lessons are on the rough side sometimes, and I need a break after each one. I think I'll go to my car, find some loose change, and get some chips. I need something to eat. Perhaps a burger or salad. Whichever one comes to mind when I leave.

I'm having a swell Saturday, since it's been non silly today. Yesterday I helped my mom with her flower beds. She bouth a head of kale, and some mulch, as well as some other flowers I forgot, but they were colorful, and pretty. She also bought some large pots so she could get some of her older plants transferred to a bigger pot. I had to use the hammer to breake the pot out of the original pot. That thing was nearly all root in there. To soften the dirt, I poured water all on the roots, then we transfered that sucker to the big pot. She added more dirt, and i poked the roots to get it to release the dirt it clung to. Ot was a struggle, but I got it done.

The mulch is red, and I wiped my brow, 'cause I was sweaty. My bro said it looked like I was bleading. I had to laugh. The sun, and gardening can be tough, but it was well worth it.

Well, it's back to the final part of chapter 12. Wish me luck (At least it's done before Monday.

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