Thursday, October 14, 2004

It's My Week-End Baby!!!!!

Someone asked me if I knew about bloggers. Of course I did, but I didn't give too much away. Can't have him popping his nose in my spot. LOL He heard some obnoxious blog rumors about something. Didn't know what the name of his game was.

Library brain trust decided it was a good idea to close the 3rd floor, so no one could get to the books, as Special Collections movied their stuff to the new library. Their wise and great decision was for Circulation Staff should retireve the books people need. These students only need to research books for their papers. That means at least ten books minimum. There are only 2 staffers at night. The librian at his desk, didn't seem like he was getting off of nothing. Kinda leaves that bitter taste in my mouth.

Well, I'm taking a few days off. So they can move 'till their hearts con'tent. I won;t be here. LOL I suppose it won't be an efficent idea when the brain trust has to do the legwork. Dummies.

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