Friday, February 24, 2006


I did this painting a while back. Ran it through Photoshop. Enjoy. It's a copy of a drawing by Michangelo. It currently hangs on my wall. I need to gather more of my art so I can hang and frame more.


Beatty said...

Wow, I didn't know you can paint too!

You are just a all around talented person!

I barely have any talents to speak of.

Unknown said...


For the record, my BA is in Studio Art. I studied Photography, Painting, Drawing, and Printmaking. I really need to get back into them. I like graphic design, but I miss my art.

On top of that I have a strong creative streak. I write short stories, working on a novel, songs/poetry, and comics. I need to pull it together for myself I am a one man entertainment comapny. LOL

Actually you have many talents. one of them is being nice and freindly. You made Delphi a pleasant experience. You also showed me some things about HTML codes. That's valuable information!!!

Beatty said...

I forget what you were studying because you do so many things. I forgot you are your first love was the arts of drawings and paintings. :o)

I wouldn't consider being nice and friendly a talent. lol Anybody can do that. It's just a personality trait not a talent. lol :o)

Unknown said...


I guess you're right, friendliness is a personality trait rather than talent. You're a great person still, so don't go changing. LOL

Beatty said...

Awww you're too sweet! :o)