Monday, May 15, 2006

Today Is Like...Cool

I'm having a mellow moment. Made some sweet tea. Its so good. Can't have too much, its potent.

Blew my grocery budget I went over by $36.00 which is not bad since I restocked my fridge and cubbards. I was thinking of buying pizza, but changed that plan. I spent too much money already.

I did make a couple of steaks that melted in my mouth, that was as good as I can make it. I sauteed mushrooms, red onions, red and green bell peppers with it. OMG I love cooking for myself.

Made spareribs for the next few days. They are good and fresh. The meat falls off the bone. I have outdid myself. I will make burgers at the end of the week or week-end. After that its chicken.

I bought a lot of mixed vegatables. They were sauteed in butter. So good.

My only complaint was that the mixed vegies was like almost all carrots. What was up with that. The package said mixed, not 95% carrots.


Beatty said...

Hey, just stopping by. Haven't seen you around for a few days. I left a hello comment at your Myspace the other day. Hope all is well. :o)

Unknown said...


Thanks for visiting me. I am fine. Going through some up and down BS aat work.

Beatty said...

Oh ok. Dang Stacy, you can't get a break. My husband is going through some up and down BS at his job too. Said he had to go off on a few people today.

I got your comment at Myspace. Thanks for stopping by. :o)

We're doing alot of OT at work so I'm in and out of all these sites fast. Only pop in for a minute. Catch you later.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Beatty. I hope your husband doesn't have to blast too many people. I know how fustrating some of the BS can be. Sometimes I end up walking away from it. Sometimes you can't. Have a good night.