Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What Happened To Last Night?

I expected the ususal boring fare that is library work. I check out books to people, take returning books, people pay their fines. Whatever.

Then this chick comes in the building screaming about some guy wants to kill her, but she doesn't want him to go to jail. Security calls the police, and the police talk to her. Turns out the chick got hit by her boyfriend, but she feels she should go to jail so he can't hit her anymore.


Students told me she was screaming from a block away. I did lose empathy for her as she was only concerned for the welfare of the man who sent her into hysteria. Bullshit.

After that I had to deal with this huffy student who wanted items on the librarian (who left for the day) could get him. I'm like sorry you have to come tomorrow. He's like can't I call him. That was a big "no." I know if some poor soul called me when I'm not on the clock, they may get no response, or a polite "It will have to wait until I am on the clock" response. It all depends on how I feel.

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