Friday, July 28, 2006

A Brother Stays Broke...

Bills, bills, bills. If I was dating now, my woman would dump me. I don't have money. I could cook for her. She could love me for my creative recipies. We could live off of the love of the lands, and my inspired dishes. Such things are fairy tales. LOL

I am looking forward to finishing chapter three. I promised myself this week-end to make the effort. I want to relax some. I want to see a friends exhibit and tomorrow is the last day so I will make an effort to get up and go.

Will mail off a couple of birthday cards to some very special people, who bring sunshine to my life. The card is merely a token of my love for them. I could live off of that love. Well, at least it would keep me going. I love my peeps. :-)

I have been tired of late. I think I need to take a vacation. I feel my attitude rising. Damn, I can be moody. LOL Think happy thoughtd. Think happy thoughts. Peace and love y'all.

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