Sunday, July 16, 2006

Five Sentences Per Day

A couple of good people I know have asked me about writing more, as I love to write. They wanted some tips to help strengthen their abilities. The first and best offering I could tell them is get a notepad and start by writing five sentences (which makes up a paragraph) per day. The subject matter can be anything, just write. This will help them get in the habit of writing. It's a positive start in the write direction.

Now imagine that after a while you will have a documentation of your thoughts, and your writings. Imagine that possibilities open up for you as your mind can solve simple issues of story length and description. Its why I have kept this blog. I so love to write, and to keep that energy alive, I write, and write more. Another part of writing is dedication, and it is so needed to push on through any barriers we've set on outselves.

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