Tuesday, February 27, 2007

2/25/07 The Perfect Pitch

Decided to take advantage of all the sequential art-writing magazines in the library, and see what they said about creating proposals and pitches for companies. What can I say; I want to maximize my chances of success. At bare minimum I want to hold the editor’s eyes on my pitch/proposal long enough for him to read the entire submission, and have a desire to want read more.

According to my reading, less is more. I initially created a three-page proposal. This is not counting the script, the synopsis, or the cast list I created. I decided to go to the publisher’s website and print out their guidelines. I know there are things the publisher wants. My goal becomes, how can I keep this pitch simple, within the publisher’s guidelines, while maximizing the impact?

This is what I have so far:
Cover Letter (a must)
Submissions agreement form (another must)
A complete synopsis of all six issues
The script (first eight pages-as requested)

I wonder if the cast list is needed, but then I realize that I need something so that the editor knows who is what in the story.

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