Saturday, February 24, 2007


If writing were a sport I would dare say I would be good at it. As it stands I have been horrible at actual sports, and never thought again about what I could have missed. Can’t look back like I wish I had been a better player. My games are different, and so my speed.

I have been working on the proposal for my limited series. Here’s what I do know; I didn’t get to graduate school by not writing and presenting in a professional manner. I know how to make professional proposals, and I know how to get my foot in the door.

It’s time to work those skills. I know I can hold the attention of an editor if I catch his eye. I am playing to win here. I want to get published. I have worked so hard putting my ideas together, and I am so near the point of submitting my material.

For me the work is just beginning. Never say die, and never say I give up. I will have my stories published, and I will become successful.

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