Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My Writing

I was working on my reformatting of my mini series. Oh I love chapter one. Chapter one was so good, all I had to do is tweak a few lines, and add a few more sentences of details for the artist to follow. Chapter one is DONE. I don't even worry about it anymore.

Chapter two is a bastard child from hell. As I checked it over, I noticed that certian elements in the story don't add up at the end. For example, two major charactors are going through some big changes, but you don't see it. At least not enough to see a transition. One character will be betrayed for sure, and I need for the reader to feel this, more than know it happened. In other words, I need to express these happenings. There is a third character who gets into an awful situation, but she doesn't express her pain and trauma. How can a reader belive in her pain if they don't see her pain?

Decided that chapter 2 will have some parts re-written to convey depth to some scenes, and elaborate on some parts of the story that I feel will help the characters get their situations and emotions across. I am also learning to put more empahsis on descriptions into stories. What are the characters doing as they speak?

I thought more research must be done, as there are some office scenes, but I'm like, wait, I was an office assitant. I know this part of the job. I can describe this with authenticity. I als have some library orinted situations in there. I can work this too.

The series needs so much work, not because its unrelved as far as the plot goes, its that the story feels like bare bones when it could be so much wealthier

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