Monday, March 31, 2008

It's A Wrap II

Today I learn my Dad buys his fake daughter a car. I say "fake" because she is not kin to him. He dropped my Mom like a hot potato and ran off into the sunset with the fake daughter's Mom. We don't talk much, my Dad and I, which is sad. He doesn't say much when I call him. I think he wants to get me off the phone as soon as possible.

When I worked for a certain cell phone carrier, I got him a phone. He let's his GF use it all the time. When I call to speak to him, she has the phone. He was suppose to pay his bill, which he does, late every month or not at all. Well he doesn't call me and lets the deadline pass, and he hasn't said peep this month.

I should be offended, because he didn't lavish even half of the attention and gifts he gives to this young lady he calls his daughter. He makes sure she has every advantage in life, and brags on her success as well. So I think to myself, "what makes him do for another woman's child, when he's got three biological sons?" What makes a man turn on his own family? Is there something wrong with me/us?

Well, this is a wrap, because I didn't need to hear this. I worked for everything I got, and had to struggle to get to graduate school. Life is so difficult. I'm looking through a window and seeing my Dad have a great time with some other family. Why did he marry my Mom? Why did he have children with her?

I so want to be bitter about this , but I so can't let that coat my life. I am strong, talented, and undeniably independent. I don't need someone in my life trying his damnedest to erase us from his life. Why do I even care?


Anonymous said...

Stacy, I totally understand. It's like you're on the outside looking in, looking from the outside of a window while they go on with their lives, happier than ever. Like I told you, it may look like he has gotten away with turning his back on his family but the Creator sees. In the end, he will have to answer for all the choices that he has made. The Creator made you with an independent spirit. He gives us these gifts and talents to accompany us through life and you rely on these gifts to see your way through. Your life continues. You still continue to breathe. The Creator has equipped you with the talent and strengths to make it through the storm. You are a blessing. You were put here for a reason. Continue to bless those that cross your path. Focus on your life and those around you, those that believe in you and that support you.

Anonymous said...

I've heard this story before from other friends, but it always makes me cranky to see good people like you treated this way. You care because he's your dad, at least bioligically. Sad, but that doesn't change. I know it hurts, but you're a strong man with a strong mind and it sounds like you've made every effort to reach out. If he can't see how amazing you turned out *without* his help, then he's a blind fool. Or maybe he can, and he's embarrassed at his own lack of character. Maybe that's why he's overcompensating with the girl?

Unknown said...

Hello all,

I realized after I wrote and posted this I was having a hard time with this situation more so than I thought. It sometimes is hard to get past some emotional hurdles, but hey, I’m not a kid, and I need to rely on the fact that I have done well for myself.

My Mom thinks I shouldn’t “give up” on him, but I asked her “how much of this am I supposed to take?” She was sad, because she knows its drama. She wishes he would do the right thing. I told her he has to know what right is. Clearly he does not.

Thanks ladies for posting. You made me feel better. I needed that.